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Get the kick start you need to follow a Keto, low-carb approach to eating and life.
Within the next decade it is thought the keto market will be worth over $15.64 billion dollars and it shows no sign of slowing down in popularity. It has a lot to offer those who commit to it, such as speedy weight loss, and all in return for a delicious rich diet of mostly fat.
There are of course a few hurdles, none so much as the keto jargon that tends to commonly litter any video or blog about the diet. Those terms can be a barrier when you’re just trying to understand how to do keto right. Today though, that barrier goes down as we give you the simple lowdown on the most common keto terms you’re likely to see when researching this popular diet:
AS stands for artificial sweetener and is a common keto term because zero or low calorie sweeteners are really useful in keto cooking. Checkout some of the worst and the best AS here.
ACV stands for apple cider vinegar and it’s a keto term because it has acetic acid in it which can help boost fat loss.
Bio-individuality is a blanket term used to reference the fact that everybody doing keto has a different body, and so has unique nutritional needs. Find out more about it here.
BMI is a term commonly used in the weight loss world because it stands for body mass index. It is a way to figure out if your weight is healthy, taking into account your height and weight to give you a number that then fits onto a scale. Work your BMI out here.
Your BMR is your basal metabolic weight which is the minimal amount of energy your body requires to perform the basic functions to live.
BPC is bulletproof coffee, and BPT is bulletproof tea. They are common drinks in the keto community where you blend your tea or coffee with butter and MCT oil (see below) or similar fat. You can find a great recipe for bulletproof coffee here.
BHB is beta hydroxybutyrate which is a compound thought to be made by the body when you are in a state of ketosis, along with something called acetoacetate.
BG is blood glucose, something that should lower naturally on keto.
BF is body fat, something that should lower naturally on keto.
This means how many carbs you can eat whilst still being in a state of ketosis.
CI is calories in and CO is calories out. Many people believe this to be the basic science behind weight loss (eating fewer calories than you expend). However, it is contested in the keto world.
Coconut oil is a popular healthy fat used commonly in keto cooking.
Electrolytes help keep your body running well, and they can deplete with keto if you don’t make the effort to keep them topped up.
EVOO is extra-virgin olive oil which is a popular source of fat in the keto diet.
EF means egg fast, which is where some people have only eggs, cheese and butter for a short time so they go into a state of ketosis.
Fat-Adapted is basically a goal in the keto diet, which means your body has fully switched from burning carbs for energy, to burning fat for energy.
A fat bomb is a delicious keto treat that you make for a quick hit of energy in just a few bites. You can find some great fat-bomb recipes here.
FF is a fat fast which is done on keto to quickly induce ketosis, for speedy weight loss.
This is where the body makes its own glucose, and it is thought to play a role in keto by allowing blood sugar levels to be controlled without many carbs being consumed.
GKI is the glucose ketone index which is worked out from your blood glucose level and your ketone level. It’s a way to determine metabolic health and you can work yours out here.
HWC is heavy whipping cream, which is a delicious high-fat addition to many keto coffees or teas.
HIIT is high intensity interval training.
IF is intermittent fasting which some people combine with the keto diet.
IT is insulin resistance which keto is thought to reduce long-term.
IIFYM is if it fits in your macros, and is used conversationally in the world of keto when discussing nutritional planning.
Keto flu is where you could feel tired, achy and nauseous in the first few weeks of starting keto as your body adjusts.
Ketosis is the state your metabolism reaches where you have lots of ketones in your blood, and you’re burning those for energy instead of glucose from carbs.
This is a dangerous state some type 1 diabetics have to avoid. It is where you have high ketones and high blood sugar at the same time and it can damage your organs.
Keep calm and keto on - when things get tough, keep going to make those keto gains!
A ketorarian is someone who is keto and predominantly plant based.
LCHF is low carb high fat, and is another way to describe the basics of how keto works.
LBM is lean body mass, a goal for many on the keto diet.
LC is short for low carb.
Macros are categories of carbs, fats and proteins of which you eat different amounts for an optimal keto diet.
MCT is medium-chain triglyceride which is usually referred to in the keto world because it apparently has the ability to get your metabolism going, It is commonly consumed in the form of oil, which you can read more about here.
This is the amount of carbohydrates a food contains taking away the fibre and sugar alcohols, because those parts of the food are indigestible.
NSV is a non-scale victory, an achievement to be celebrated within the keto world even though it doesn’t show up in weight loss or in other measurable scales.
SAD is a standard American diet and is mentioned commonly in keto blogs and videos because America's main diet (and the UK main diet) tends to be unhealthy and highly processed.
SF stands for sugar free.
SKD is a standard ketogenic diet, which is 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbs.
This stands for sugar-free.
Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, commonly discussed in the world of keto as it is thought to help with blood sugar control.
WOE is a way of eating, a term used in keto blogs and videos referring to individual diets and ways of eating keto.
When we set out to create the perfect Keto Snack, our aim was to develop a bar that was truly low in net carbs, free from sugar and high in good fat! One that didn't kick you out of ketosis!
Keto is quite the journey when it comes to adjusting to eating differently and getting to know what all the terms above mean. Remember, it’s a learning curve for everyone so don’t think you need to know it all right away. The most important thing is to get the diet right for yourself in a healthy way that works for you.
Soon enough you’ll be sipping on a BPC and fat bomb so you can KCKO!
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